I had to go to school when it was Sunday. I had a parade that was carrying lanterns. My friend was at school. His name is Jonas. But, tomorrow I don't have to go to school. And I don't have to go for 7 days. I'll be at Hong Kong. I'm going to Disneyland.
This is my first day of school. I have 5 teachers, two in English class and 3 in Chinese class. Jonas held my hand during class in kindergarten. Jonas is a boy in my class. He doesn't go to English class, just Chinese. Katelynn is a girl in class. I talk to her in English class. She lives by me on the 17th floor. I like school. And it's fun.
I want to play with Kyler tomorrow. I went to church today. After church we went to a picnic at Salem pond. I played with Hayden and Corbin. That's all.
I did really good at my doctor's appointment today. I got 4 shots and I was really brave. I think I ate 9 cookies today. They are monster cookies. My mom loves them and I do too. I'm gonna be 6 years old at my next birthday.
Kyler knocked on the front door. So, I got to play with him. I played Lego Star Wars with him. Earlier today, I went to Chuck E. Cheese. Andy and Maya were there too. I got 121 tickets from a game.